She’s Too Pretty to Burn

You’ll be on the edge of your seat for this romance filled with obsession, fear, and murder!

Raegan’s book review of She’s Too Pretty to Burn

Summer is winding down in San Diego. Charismatic Veronica is bored and feeling uninspired in her photography. Subversive Nico is obsessed with her chaotic performance art. The girls are artists first, BFF’s second. But that was before Mick, delicate, lonely, magnetic, the perfect subject, and Veronica’s dream girl comes along. Soon, Veronica and Mick are embroiled in a passionate summer romance—but the carefree, adventurous afternoons they share soon turn dangerous. One fire. Two murders. Three drowning bodies. One stalker. This is a summer they may not survive.

I absolutely adored this book’s layered mix of love, obsession, fear, and murder. The book was written in such a refreshing way, taking classic tropes and spinning them into something completely spectacular and new. This story is perfect for readers who are looking for a summer romance with a slasher twist.

“She was so many layers. One layer was sweet and shy. The next layer was dark and unpredictable. Under that, a layer of fierce dominance. She was the ocean, with its riptides and its soft, clean breeze and its beauty and its chilling, shark-filled depths.”

She’s Too Pretty to Burn

Discussion Questions: 

✩ How does the setting of San Diego contribute to the overall mood and atmosphere of the story?

✩ Discuss the dynamic between Veronica and Nico. How does their relationship evolve throughout the book?

✩ The story includes elements of love, obsession, fear, and murder. How do these themes intersect, and what do they reveal about the characters?

✩ How does the book challenge traditional tropes in the thriller genre?

✩ What role does art play in the narrative, and how do the characters use it to express themselves?

✩ How do the events in the book shape the characters’ perception of themselves and their relationships with one another?

✩ The book is described as an “edge-of-your-seat summer tale.” Which scenes or moments stood out to you as particularly enthralling?

✩ How does the book explore the idea of moral ambiguity, especially regarding the characters’ choices?

✩ How does the relationship between Veronica, Nico, and Mick reflect or challenge societal expectations of love and friendship?

✩ What aspects of the story surprised you the most, and

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